Improving Industrial Automation Using the Intelligent Environments Paradigm
WORKSHOP 26 of June 2012


  Juan Carlos Orozco

Founder and CEO of ACELAB Industrial Automation since 1992.

Designed and supervised more than 200 automation projects for various types of industries like Textile, Chemical, Petrochemical, Metal mechanic, Leather Tannery.

May 2003. Presentation title: "Plant Supervision"Event: Linux in control workshop 2003
Location: Katholieke Universtait Leuven, Belgium.

Audience: (~100) Contributors to Linux in automation related projects from all around the world including Australia, USA, Germany, Portugal, Italia, etc.

Some additional background relevant to this:
2011 Co-founder of a special interest group in the field of Innovation.
"Grupo de Innovación 100" located in the "Parque Tecnologico CIEN" from the ITESM university campus Leon.

2001 Speaker. Presentation title: "Industrial Automation using open source software"
Event: Veracruz Linux convention GULEV 2001
EE-MS Stanford University 1991-1992.


  Victor Zamudio


Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal ICST Transactions on Future Intelligent Educational Environments TOFIEE, General Chair of 8th International Conference on Intelligent Environments IE12 and Member of Instituto Tecnológico de León.

Courses and Workshops:
May 2006. Nextwave Interface "Pervasive Computing: the Next Wave on IT". The Institution of Engineering and Technology IET. Savoy Place London.

June 2005. The IEE Internationa Workshop on Intelligent Environments. University of Essex, U.K.

June 2002. Extended Course for Facilitators in Project Oriented Learning. Faculty of Science and Engineering. Aalborg University, Denmark.

August 1994.International Workshop on Parallel Processing. IIMAS-UNAM.

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